7. During the term of a contract entered into with a provider, a personnel placement agency must(1) maintain the insurance contract required by subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 6 in force;
(2) require every personnel member whose services it leases to the provider to inform the agency of any change in connection with the information referred to in subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 6 and, if applicable, inform the provider accordingly;
(3) ensure that every personnel member whose services the agency leases to the provider wears a visible identification card bearing the person’s name, a recent photograph, the title of the position held and, if applicable, the name of the professional order of which the person is a member and his or her permit number allowing the person to engage in the relevant professional activities;
(4) see that none of the personnel members whose services the agency leases to the provider engages in soliciting the members of the provider’s personnel to join the members of a personnel placement agency’s personnel or to leave their employment;
(5) if applicable, inform the relevant professional order of any doubt as to the competence of a member of its personnel whose services are leased to the provider and of any breach of ethics of which the agency becomes aware;
(6) maintain a training, skills development and assessment program for the members of its personnel whose services are leased to the provider;
(7) specify, in the invoice to the provider, the regular hourly wages paid to each member of the agency’s personnel leased to the provider; and
(8) enclose, with every invoice covering fees increased as provided in section 19, a statement identifying the personnel member concerned and detailing the hours worked.